I battled with this for hours and the answer was so simple, I almost cancelled my blogger account. So here's the deal, by default at the bottom of every post page where the comments are shown, there is a section called "Permalink" that is listed just under the last comment on the page. I kept wondering what the purpose of this section was. It made no sense to me having experienced the concept of permalinking at hundreds of sites on the web before. I just assumed (bad idea) that it worked as a unique and permanent link to this post for future reference. Well...Yes and no. Yes it is a permanent link, but it is not meant for the general public. Instead, it is a link for other blogger users to use to link to my post to help build search optimization linking for better search ranking on sites like google. It turns out the Blogger's term for this section is "Back Links". Here is a quick description of what they are (
After figuring this out, all I wanted to do was remove it as most of my readers are not blogger users and have no interest in this feature. I started searching google trying every phrase I could think of to get some useful results. I tried everything from "Blogger remove peramlink" to more complex terms like "Blogger remove comments footer Permalink Create a link". Nothing! Partially why I am writing this now is to solve this issue for future people.
Here's how to remove it:
- Login to your blogger account
- Navigate to Settings -> Comments
- Change the setting "Backlinks" from Show to Hide.
- Save Settings
That's it. Now go back to a blog post and look at the bottom of the comments. No more permalink section! If only someone else had written this first!
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